Thursday, August 28, 2008

Get Involved

NOTE: As of June 4, when Hillary Clinton announced her intention to suspend her campaign, we have disabled some links formerly available on this page.

Here's what you can do:

Call or e-mail your state's superdelegates

Take five minutes and call an undecided superdelegate in your area. We recommend contacting elected officials first - check the list for your Congressperson, Senator or Governor.

• Spread the word

To help spread the word about this campaign by e-mail, click the "Forward This Site To Friends" link in the upper left corner.

You can also:

Join our Facebook group or add our MySpace page


Add one of our site's widgets to your blog or website

Download a campaign poster

Download campaign flyers

Start a petition to local superdelegates

Volunteers are gathering signatures from their friends and neighbors in petition drives to superdelegates in several states. Start a petition where you live. Whether you think you can gather a couple dozen signatures or a few hundred, you can can make a difference.

Contact us at votersforobama -at- and we can help you get started or put you in touch with other organizers in your state.

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